{"id":490,"date":"2021-06-23T13:42:05","date_gmt":"2021-06-23T13:42:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/niketrainers-uk.org.uk\/?p=490"},"modified":"2024-04-04T12:58:24","modified_gmt":"2024-04-04T12:58:24","slug":"4-ways-to-prepare-for-a-picc-line-placement-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/niketrainers-uk.org.uk\/index.php\/2021\/06\/23\/4-ways-to-prepare-for-a-picc-line-placement-2\/","title":{"rendered":"4 Ways to Prepare for a PICC Line Placement"},"content":{"rendered":"

Going into a medical procedure is always a little scary. The best way to minimize fear and anxiety is to go in as prepared as you can! If you are feeling nervous about an upcoming PICC line placement procedure, here are some confidence-boosting tips for feeling ready to go:<\/p>\n

1. Know what to expect<\/strong><\/h2>\n

The unknown is a scary place. The more you can picture what the procedure will look and feel like, the less daunting it will seem. Talk to patients who\u2019ve been there before and listen to their experiences.  Don\u2019t know anyone who\u2019s had a PICC line? No worries! There are plenty of support groups available (our Friends in the Fight Facebook group<\/a><\/span> has plenty of PICC veterans who are always happy to share their stories and support fellow patients!) and blogs<\/span><\/a> you can read. You can also ask your doctor and other providers to talk you through it in detail until you feel more comfortable.  <\/p>\n

For now, know that the procedure itself shouldn\u2019t hurt (they numb your arm with an ultra-thin needle, just like at the dentist), and the catheter itself is tiny — about the width and flexibility of fresh spaghetti!<\/p>\n

Read more about what happens during the PICC line placement procedure here<\/a>!<\/em><\/p>\n

2. Make the most of your prep appointment<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Let\u2019s face it, while we may go into doctor visits with the best of intentions, most of the time we leave and realize we never asked that question and don\u2019t remember half of what the doctor said. This is normal!  Visits can feel stressful or rushed and our brains tend to not do their best under pressure — unless we prepare ahead of time! <\/p>\n

You will likely have an appointment scheduled ahead of your placement procedure to go over PICC-related information with your providers. Before you go in, there are steps you can take to make sure you get the information you need:<\/p>\n